Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled” The Impact of Servant Leadership on Improving Job Performance”

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled "the impact of servant leadership on improving job performance: Analytical study…

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The President of Kerbala University inspects the conduct of the final examinations of Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nile Al-Saedi, The President of Kerbala University, has visited the Faculty of Agriculture, inspecting the conduct of the final exams for the academic year 2020-2021. The…

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Kerbala University Organizing a Traning Course entitled” The Use of Superovulation in Farm Animals (Sheep and Goats)”

The Faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Kerbala has organized a training course entitled" The Use of Superovulation in Farm Animals (Sheep and Goats)". The course aims at…

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Kerbala University announces the date of its 5th International Conference on Engineering Sciences

The Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University has announced the date of holding the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Sciences. The University invites researchers from inside and outside Iraq to…

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A Lecturer from Kerbala University publishes a Scientific Research in an International Journal within Scopus containers

Asst. Prof. Dr. Farhan Lafta Rashid, who is one of the teaching staff members- Department of Petroleum Engineering - Kerbala University, and in partnership with the Asst. Lect. Zina Ali…

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Kerbala University, in cooperation with the German University, organizing a Scientific Symposium ” henna the mysterious and magnificent plant: A brief discussion of its biological activity and active constitutes)

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at Kerbala University, in cooperation with the German University / Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology in the Arab Republic of Egypt, has organized…

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Kerbala University being ranked within the British Times Classification Arab University Rankings 2021

As a scientific achievement, Kerbala University has achieved a position since it has been classified within the Arab University Rankings (2021). The methodology is based on the same framework as…

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