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A Cooperative scientific team research early Recognizing of angina pectoris

A joint research team from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala, the Faculty of Science at the University of Kufa, and a famous Belgian scientist are able to early recognize of angina pectoris.
The research team consists of Dr. Hussein Kazem Al-Hakim and the Assist. Lect. Hassan Najah and Hassan Abbas from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala and Dr. Rana Fadil Musa from the Faculty of Science at the University of Kufa and in partnership with the Belgian scientist Prof. Michael Mays, a professor at the Deakin Universities in Australia and Gulalnkorn in Thailand,
The study deals with measuring variables for trace elements, immune parameters and endogenous opiates in patients with angina pectoris and their introduction into the artificial intelligence program Machine learning, in order to know its ability to predict disease consequences and diagnose angina patients and distinguish them from the healthy by a large extent.
The study has been published in the Dutch Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, which is from the first quarter (Q1) within the Scopus containers, and the international publishing house (Elsevier), with a factor of H = 66 and an impact factor of 3.245.
The study concludes that angina patients could be distinguished from atherosclerosis through the concentration of insulin resistance factors, atherosclerosis factors, and immune disorders, and by elevation in the endogenous opioid and trace elements system in addition to lower levels of antioxidants. Copper plays a major role in insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.