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A Workshop at Kerbala University on the self-report of Educational laboratories

 The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Presidency of the University of Kerbala and based on the ministerial requirements for writing a self-report for educational laboratories, the department  holds a workshop on self-report for educational laboratories according to the requirements of the “GLP” Good Teaching Laboratory, with the participation of officials of the Quality Assurance Division in the faculties.

     Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs Dr. Najm Abdul-Hussein says that the workshop has been held according to ministerial requirements and deals with a detailed explanation of how to prepare a self-evaluation report for the faculties of Kerbala University in accordance with the national institutional accreditation standards.

  Dr. Najm states that the university has begun forming committees and working groups to write the self-evaluation report and prepare it in its final form, as well as the process of collecting the data necessary to write the self-evaluation report, for the purpose of obtaining institutional accreditation.

    For his part, Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghanmi, Director of Quality Assurance and University Performance Department, explains that the workshop includes a mechanism for writing a self-report for educational laboratories in terms of the report’s containment of descriptive data and explanation of the ten required axes in the self-report, and how to extract the size of the gap through the seven-year analysis of the ten evaluation axes and extracting the size of the weights to extract the final score required in the report.