Author Archives: Fatima Faiz

University of Kerbala Holding a Virtual Workshop on Health media and Coronavirus

The Faculty of Tourist Sciences at the University of Kerbala holds an international virtual workshop entitled (Health Media and Coronavirus) with the participation of a number of professors. The workshop has been presented by Dr. Nabila Hamza. The workshop aims at clarifying the role of health media in light of the Corona pandemic and its impact on society. The workshop ...

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Including University of Kerbala within the British Impact classification (Impact Rankings 2021)

As a scientific achievement, University of Kerbala has achieved an advanced positions since it has been classified within the World University Ranking, the British Ranking (Impact Rankings 2021). The President of the University Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saedi says that this achievement is a result of researchers’ excessive efforts and publishing scientific research. The University of Karbala has been ranked ...

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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala Organizing an Electronic Workshop entitled (Western Blot)

Under the patronage of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saedi and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wifaq Al-Bazi, Dean of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Physiology, and Biochemistry Dept. has organized an electronic workshop entitled: “Western Blot”, which has been delivered by Dr. Mohammed Jassem Jawad, using the Zoom platform. The workshop aims at introducing ...

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An M. A. Thesis at the University of Kerbala Discussing” Real Time Traffic Light Control Using image Processing Techniques”

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M. A. thesis entitled “Real Time Traffic Light Control Using image Processing Techniques” The thesis presented by the student Shahd Abdul Karim Salman, aims at developing a system for controlling the traffic light by image processing. The system will detect vehicles through images instead of using electronic sensors ...

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Choosing Kerbala University as a Member of the Association of Arab Universities

The Association of Arab Universities decides to choose the president of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil al-Saedi , as a member and a representative of Iraq on the Executive Council for the fifty-third and fifty-fourth sessions Depending on the formal letter addressed to the President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saedi has been chosen. The ...

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An M.A. Thesis at Kerbala University Studying the Behaviour of sandwich concrete roofs made of lightweight local aggregates under the impact of shock loading.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis titled “The behavior of sandwich concrete roofs made of lightweight local aggregates under the impact of the shock load.” The thesis presented by the student Yasmine Aziz Abd Al-Sada aims at knowing the ability of sandwich concrete ceilings to withstand the effects of shock. The thesis ...

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A Lecturer from Kerbala University obtaining an International Participation Certificate

The teaching took place at Karbala University – College of Islamic Sciences, Assist. Lect. Haidar Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Sada Al-Hussainawi obtains a certificate of participation in the training course entitled “Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry: Reading in Selected Models of Manuscripts Awarded by the International Academy of Sciences in Turkey”. The course aims at preparing investigators to revive the manuscript heritage. The course ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Virtual Seminar on the Identity Nature of the Early Islamic Eras

The Faculty of Tourist Sciences at the University of Kerbala has organized a virtual seminar with the participation of a number of professors and researchers. The seminar aims at clarifying some of the problems that researchers have raised about the emergence of Islamic jurisprudence, based on the fact that determining the time of the emergence of Islamic jurisprudence is much ...

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A workshop at Kerbala University entitled (Heterogeneous Cycles and their Impact on Biological Effectiveness)

The faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held a workshop entitled (Heterogeneous Cycles and their Impact on Biological Effectiveness) The workshop aims at introducing the heterocyclic and pentagonal rings such as Oxadiazoles, methods of their preparation and their pharmacological effects. The workshop sheds light on some of the compounds prepared that can be used ...

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University of Kerbala Holding its 5th International Medical Conference

Under the patronage of the President of the University of KErbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Al-Saedi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Riyadh Al-Zubaidi, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Al- Sadiq Virtual University (SIVU) and the International Medical Imamate (IMI), has held its 5th Virtual International Medical ...

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