Important News

University of Kerbala Launches Virtual Visit Service

Under direct supervision of President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile, University of Kerbala opens its electronic visit programme, through which anyone can enter and move electronically between colleges and departments of the university. The programme includes a speech by President of the University, stating with local and global vision and mission of the university, which begins ...

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Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Honors University of Kerbala for Achieving Competitive Outcomes within Times Higher Education World University Rankings

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research honored University of Kerbala for achieving a competitive rank (+1501) within Times World rankings, in presence of Minister of Higher Education, presidents of Iraqi universities, and academics from inside and outside Iraq. This has done during ceremony held by Ministry of Higher Education / Faculty of Information / University of Baghdad to celebrate ...

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Faculty of Pure Science / University of Kerbala Holding its Seventh Scientific Conference

Faculty of Pure Science / University of Kerbala in cooperation with Hilla University College, and with scientific support from IEEE Foundation, and under patronage of President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile, holds its seventh conference, which is attended by researchers from local and international universities, The activities of the first day are held at Hilla University ...

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Within the framework of Sustainability Rankings, the University of Kerbala has accelerated its green efforts and academic sustainability programs. In the 2021 ranking, in our country, there were 69 universities, and the University of Kerbala was ranked 20th among them, as well as 570th globally, up from 683rd in 2020. The three campuses that make up the University of Kerbala ...

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In Preparation for Inclusion its Geoparks … Higher Education Organizes a UNESCO Workshop at University of Kerbala on Al-Tar Caves

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has organized a training workshop at University of Kerbala on strengthening capacities to protect global geological heritage and establishment of UNESCO geoparks, in preparation to insert Al-Tar Caves area in holy governorate of Karbala to geological parks in the world, with participation of Ministry of Education, Iraqi National Committee for Education, Culture and ...

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Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / University of Kerbala Organizing “Student Projects” Exhibition in its Thirteenth Edition

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / University of Kerbala has organized “Student Projects Exhibition” in its thirteenth edition, with a participation of students at various academic levels. The exhibition, inaugurated by Governor of Karbala, Eng. Nassif Jassim Al-Khattabi, President of the University, Dr. Basim K. Nile , and vice President for Administrative affairs, Prof. Dr. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri. ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing Green Day Festival in its fifth edition and inaugurate a number of Smart Halls and Laboratories

Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala has organized Green Day Festival in its fifth edition, in presence of President, of University of Kerbala Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile and participation of governorate departments, institutions and unions specialized in agricultural affairs. The president says in his speech that the university will not stop supporting Faculty of Agriculture and its aspirations ...

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University of Kerbala and Local Government Holding the First Scientific Conference on Imam Ali’s Personality

University of Kerbala and local government have organized the first scientific conference on Imam Ali’s personality , peace be upon him, coinciding with anniversary of his martyrdom, with participation of researchers from Faculty of Education for Human Sciences and Directorate of Education of Karbala. President of the University, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile. , and head of conference, which is ...

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Association of Arab Universities /”Jordan” Discusses Accession of four Iraqi Universities to its Membership and Appreciates Efforts of President of University of Kerbala

Association of Arab Universities , Jordan in Amman has expressed its thanks and appreciation to member of Executive Council, President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile, for his efforts to success Executive Council meeting, which is hosted by Universities of (Sousse and Monastir) in Tunisia last month. Secretary-General of Association, Prof. Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama, says in ...

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