Latest News and Events

University of Kerbala Holding its 5th International Medical Conference

Under the patronage of the President of the University of KErbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Al-Saedi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Riyadh Al-Zubaidi, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Al- Sadiq Virtual University (SIVU) and the International Medical Imamate (IMI), has held its 5th Virtual International Medical ...

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A Workshop at the University of Kerbala on the Immunofluorescence test

Under the patronage of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Nayel, and under the supervision of Dr. Wifaq Al-Bazi, Dean of the Facu;ty of Veterinary Medicine, and within the activities of the Division of Continuing Education, the Physiology, Biochemistry and Medicines Depts. has organized in cooperation with the Department of Diseases and Poultry Diseases and Names a ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Seminar entitled (Investing artificial intelligence in building a knowledge-based economy)

The Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Kerbala has organized an electronic seminar entitled (Investing artificial intelligence in building a knowledge-based economy), given by the Assist. Lect., Abeer Mortada Hamid Al-Saadi. It has been held through FCC application of), with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The seminar aims at demonstrating the importance of artificial ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Participating in Scientific Conference at Al-Kafeel University

Dr. Wassan Ghazi Al-Safi, an instructor at Kerbala University, Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept., has participated in 3rd international conference of Al-Kafeel University and her research entitled (Pregnancy rate in women with PCOS with high LH / FSH ratio undergoing ICSI) The research comes in the elevation of ovarian hormones (LH) in patients with PCOS . Noting that ...

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The University of Kerbala Discussing a Scientific research entitled “the support of the higher management of the regulatory authorities and its role in improving the quality of project implementation”

The Faculty of Administartion and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed a higher diploma in quality management entitled “Support of the higher management to the supervisory authorities and its role in improving the quality of project implementation” which is presented by student Hussein Ali Hassan Baqer, The aim of the study is determining the role that the higher ...

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University of Kerbala signing a mechanism of joint cooperation with Al-Zahrawi University

The University of Kerbala has signed a joint cooperation mechanism with Al-Zahrawi University in Karbala for mutual cooperation in the academic, scientific, intellectual and cultural fields. Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul-Hussein Najm says that the agreement includes the development of joint scientific cooperation between the two parties in the field of scientific research, ...

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University of Kerbala discussing a research on the role of information systems in improving employee’s performance

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the higher diploma research, in quality management which is entitled “the role of information systems in improving the performance of employees”. It has been presented by student Esraa Hassan Alwan from the Department of Business Administration. It aims at determining the effect of information systems in improving ...

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Researchers from Kerbala University Publishing a Paper in an International Journal

A research team from the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Kerbala has published a scientific paper entitled “EFCNT: An evaluation framework for computer’s network topologies”  in the (API Conference Proceedings) journal, which is considered one of the common journals, within Scopus.    The team consists of Dr. Iyad Hamid Musa, Prof. Nebras Talib Muhammad and Dr. Inas Ali ...

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