Latest News and Events

Scholarships Announcement

Kerbala University is pleased to announce a set of programs that it offers as free fellowships for foreign student. For more information and to know the programs , click here For any  inquiries on how to apply, contact us at : To apply for fellowships, fill the form at the following link:

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Kerbala University in Cooperation with the British University of Aberystwyth Inaugurates the Project of Digital Robots

      As part of the University’s programs to promote E-learning and benefit from pilot experiences, University of Karbala has make cooperation within University of Aberystwyth concerning the project of digital robots.  President of the University, Prof. Dr. Bassem Khalil Al-Saidi, says that Karbala University, in accordance with the development of modern technology, is keeping pace with modernity within advanced scientific ...

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Training Course Entitled (Creating Educational Content on Moodle System)

With the participation of a number of teaching staff of the college, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Karbala has  hold a training course entitled (Creating educational content on the Moodle system). It is lectured by assist. Lect. Ali Abdul Redha      The course includes several axes, the most important overview of the system , how it works and ...

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Workshop at the University of Kerbala about the First Level Arduino Platform

      In cooperation with Nabdah Association for Medical Engineering,  The College of Engineering in Karbala University has hold a workshop entitled (Arduino platform level I), using modern programs and followed in electronic systems for medical devices.      The workshop deals with the identifying the Arduino platform and the date of its establishment and types, in addition to the basic components ...

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Ph. D. Dissertation about Rice in the Central Region in College of the Education for Pure Sciences- Kerbala University

With the presence of the  dean of the College and a number of teaching staff in College of the Education for Pure Sciences- Kerbala University,  a Ph. D, Dissertation entitled ( Phenotypic, Cellular and Partial Study of a Number of Rice Varieties in the Central Region of Iraq) has been  discussed by the Ph. D. student, Balqees Hadi Hashim Al-Musawi. ...

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M.A Thesis in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine- Kerbala University discusses the Impact of genetic Changes in the Development of Diabetes

In Faculty of Veterinary Medicine- Kerbala University,  M.A Thesis discusses the role of vitamin D in causing diabetes and studying the relationship between the level of vitamin D and resistance of the insulin.The current study aims at showing the relationship between inheritance patterns  of the genetic recipient  of vitamin D, and the decrease of vitamin D with another sort. It ...

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The University of Kerbala Completes Its Own E-Learning Development Program

The University of Kerbala accomplished its own E-learning development program in accordance with the ministries’ program to provide extra teaching aids that depend on interactive learning and modern technologies. The president of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Saadi, stated that this program is intended to modernize the teaching methods used in the university and provide Moodle curriculum to students ...

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A Master Degree Dissertation on Hepatitis

A viva was held in the College of Medicine in the University of Kerbala about the genetic basis of hepatitis (B), manners of transmission, and its best treatment. The research discovered new viral isolates that were added to the World Bank of Genes. The study, which was conducted by Zahraa Majid Hameed, aimed at specifying the genotype and sub-genotype as ...

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The University of Kerbala Holds a Symposium

The College of Engineering in the University of Kerbala held a symposium entitled ‘Developing the Petroleum Engineering Departments with the Aid of Society of Petroleum Engineers’. This event is intended to exchange knowledge and expertise between the College of Engineering and international organizations to achieve the advancements needed for the future of the college. The head of the Petroleum Department ...

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