Latest News and Events

University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on Architectural Models Making

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala has organized a symposium which is entitled( basics of architectural models making and their role in showing design ideas) in which lecturer Saad Mohsen Hammoud / Al-Nahrain University and Dr. Haider Naji Attia / University of Kerbala deliver it, with participation of students of first stage of Department of Architecture. The symposium aims ...

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University of Kerbala University Discussing an M. A. Thesis entitled Chemical Phenotypic Study to Distinguish between two types of Senna alata and Senna didymobotrya in Karbala Governorate

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences /University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis which is entitled “A phenotypic-accurate and chemical study to distinguish between two species Senna alata and Senna didymobotrya of Fabaceae family in Karbala Governorate It is presented by Entidhar Ali Fazi’a Abdul Hassan Al-Khafaji. The thesis aims at study characteristics of epidermis of leaflets, sepal, and ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course on How to Detect Antioxidants in plant extract by TLC Method

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences /University of Kerbala has held a training course which is entitled “How to Detect Antioxidants in Plant Extract by TLC Method”. It is presented by Dr. Radhya Najm Abd, Department of biology, Lect. Inam Gouda Radhi, Department of Chemistry. The course aims at training participants with detection of antioxidants in plant extracts by thin ...

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University of Kerbala Organazing a Seminar on Clean Agriculture

Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala has organized a panel discussion on clean agriculture: roots of past for fruits of future, with participation of researchers and specialists. The seminar aims at demonstrating the importance of clean agriculture by adopting an integrated agricultural system that relies on natural materials without resorting to or using any chemical fertilizers and pesticides to ...

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University of Kerbala University Organizing an Awareness Symposium on Electronic Extortion

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine /University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Directorate of National Security in Karbala, has organized an educational and awareness seminar on (electronic extortion) with participation of faculty, staff and students. The symposium aims at educating students and explaining the methods used by weak-minded in electronic extortion and ways of protection, in cooperation with the community police. The ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Workshop entitled Cloud Computing Security

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology /University of Kerbala has held a workshop which is entitled “Cloud Security”, with participation of a number of researchers and specialists. It is presented by Dr. Muhammad Mohsen Hassoun and Eng. Ammar Hanoun. The workshop aims at informing the participants of the most important principles and duties that the service provider must provide ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course on News Reporting and Writing

Faculty of Sciences / University of Kerbala has hosted a training course on writing university news according to press templates, electronic publishing and photography with participation of officials of media divisions at the university The course aims at training the officials to edit university news according to journalistic templates and how to portray the event in an expressive way The ...

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University of Kerbala Organazing a Training Course on Biology lab Safety Rules

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala has organized an in-person training course on Biology lab safety rules for professors and students of Department of biology. The course aims at identifying the conditions that must be followed in the laboratory and a general introduction to laboratories The course includes a statement of the most important warning and indicative signs in ...

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University of Kerbala University Discussing a Ph.D. Dissertation entitled ” Early Marriage and its Effects in Holy city of Karbala”

Faculty of Education for Human Sciences / University of Kerbala has discussed a ph.d. dissertation which is entitled (Early Marriage and Its Effects in Holy Karbala of the period 2003-2020 : a study in population geography). It is presented by (Raouf Rahman Ramadan). The study aims at knowing the effects of early marriage in Karbala, spatial and temporal variation, characteristics ...

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