
Karbala University Organizing a Course on Back Pain Relief with Swimming Exercises

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at Kerbala University has organized a special course on relieving chronic lower back pain and rehabilitating it using swimming and special swimming exercises. This course has been hold with the participation of college professors and employees.      The course aims at introducing the importance of swimming to the human body in general, and ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Workshop on The Applied Research Platform

 With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Department of Scientific Affairs at Kerbala University has hold a workshop on the applied research platform project of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research so as to link the ministries and institutions of the state with research to introduce this project and activate it. The director of the Department ...

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Karbala University Discussing the Overlapping Speech in Al-Zahraa’s Sermons

            With the participation of professors and students, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Kerbala University has  hold a workshop entitled (Overlapping Discourse in Al-Zahraa’s Speeches and its Effect on Reorienting the Islamic Discourse) on the Imam Hussain hall.      The lecturer, Dr. Adel Kamel says that this study does not go beyond describing it as a small attempt to ...

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 Kerbala University publishing the Journal of the Law Letter

With the jurisdiction of law and with the participation of researchers from inside and outside Iraq, the Faculty of Law at the University of Kerbala  has issued the Journal of Message of Law, the third one of the 11th year, which is specialized in publishing academic research.  The dean of the Faculty, Dr. Aqeel Al-Saadi, states that the Journal is issued ...

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     A Training Course at Kerbala University on the Basics of Electrical and Magnetic

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala  has hold a training course entitled “Electrical and Magnetic Basics and Experiments for the Second Stage of the Electrical and Magnetic Laboratory”. The course deals with two axes, the first is defining the electrical and magnetic basics and ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Ceremony Honoring the Retired Professors

Under the auspices of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Nayel Al-Saeidy and the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences has organized a ceremony to honor the retired professors and employees at the Faculty. The university’s assistant for administrative ...

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A Scientific Symposium at Kerbala University on Coronavirus

With the participation of a number of teachers and students, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Kerbala University has organized a scientific symposium on the Coronavirus.      The symposium aims at cultivating the community about the spread of the new Corona disease and ways of preventing it. It also deals with methods of reducing its spread .  The symposium includes the ...

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Kerbala University Discussing the Emotional Organization and its Relationship to the Originality of Thinking and Self-worth among University Students

The Faculty of Education for Human Science at Kerbala University has  discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (Emotional Organization and its Relationship to the Originality of Thinking and Self-worthiness of University Students).    The thesis, presented by the student (Samir Ghanem Shaalan Al-Waeli), aims at  discussing the emotional organization of the students of Kerbala University and the statistical significance of the differences ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Workshop on the Importance of the Veterinarian’s Role in Meat Slaughterhouses

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Kerbala University  has hold a workshop entitled (the importance of the veterinarian’s role in meat slaughterhouses).      The workshop aims at introducing the most important things that fall into the work of the veterinarian in particular when working on meat slaughterhouses in terms of examining ...

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Karbala University Discussing the Procedures of the Government Programme 2020

Under the chairmanship of the assistant president of the university for scientific affairs and in the presence of the members of the committee, the central committee for the government programme of Kerbala University 2018-2022 and the problem that has been met . they discuss the paragraphs of the governmental programme of the University of Kerbala. The head of the committee, ...

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