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Kerbala Journal for Engineering Sciences KJES Publishes its Papers in its 1st Volume (Vol. 1)

Kerbala Journal for Engineering Sciences KJES has published the first Volume of scientific research, which is issued by Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University,
The Journal has launched in 2020 and periodically with four issues per year, and it is interested in covering many fields and engineering disciplines and applied sciences.
Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Laith Al-Qarawi, expresses his thanks and appreciation for all the sincere efforts that contribute to publication of this Journal, through which Faculty of Engineering aspires to be an approved scientific source for researchers through the dissemination of modern research and scientific achievements in all disciplines engineering sciences.
Al-Qarawi adds that the publishing operations are carried out according to sequential scientific rules and procedures and scientific specifications.
Al-Qarawi also states that the journal is available on the Internet which is open access to all its scientific articles and can be accessed through the website of Faculty of Engineering – the University of Kerbala.