University of Kerbala Getting an advanced positions within the QS world Ranking

The University of Kerbala  has achieved an advanced positions within the QS world ranking, which implies the inclusion of 16 Iraqi universities in the British QS Foundation classification of universities in the Arab region for the year 2021, and the University of Kerbala has ranked (10) Iraqi.

       The university president, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Nayel Al-Saedi, says that the University of Karbala, which has recently established in a few years, seeks to provide the best by adopting a purposeful scientific philosophy by supporting scientific research and publishing in international journals, indicating that the university has scientific journals within the international and local rankings.

      Al-Saedi adds that the QS World Ranking is specialized in education, and the classification of universities in the Arab region is made annually and highlights 160 universities in this part of the world, and that the classification depends on many indicators, including: the international research network, faculty research, and reputation.  Academy.

    He explains that the University of Kerbala works on two parallel lines at the service and scientific levels. In addition to its scientific achievement, it carries out urban projects on an ongoing basis, relying on self-effort, calling for more tender to be made for the sake of advancing our university.