A Cooperative Research Team from the Universities of Kerbala and Al-Furat Al-Awsat Getting a Patent

A cooperative research team from the University of Kerbala and the University of the Middle Euphrates has obtained a patent from the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control. This…

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Kerbala University Congratulates a Number of Managers of Service Departments in the Province

  The President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nayel Al-Saiedi, presents his warm congratulations for the director of the municipality, the director of the water department and the…

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    A Scientific Study at Kerbala University Concerning the Racial Discrimination in the United States of America 1865-1877

The Faculty of Education for Human Science at Kerbala University  has discussed the M.A. Thesis entitled (Racial Discrimination in the United States of America 1865-1877).       The thesis presented by…

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled “The Studying the Fixed and Dynamic Properties of Deflection Cases in Bearings of Specified Length”

The College of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. Thesis entitled (The Studying the Fixed and Dynamic Properties of Deflection Cases in Bearings of Specified Length).…

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A Scientific Discussion at Karbala University Concerning the Protective Effect of Alchemilla mollis on the Reproductive System in some Visceral Organs

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Kerbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (The Protective Effect of the mantle herb on the reproductive system and some visceral organs of…

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Kerbala University Discussing the Use of a Solar Lake for Adapting Buildings in the City of Kerbala

The Faculty of Science at Karbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (Theoretical Verification Using a Solar Lake for Adapting Buildings in the city of Kerbala). The thesis, submitted…

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Karbala University Discussing a Scientific Study entitled “Management of Organizational Conflict and its Relation with the Productive Character of School Principals from the Teachers’ Viewpoint”

The College of Education for Human Science at Karbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (Management of Organizational Conflict and its Relation with the Productive Character of School Principals…

Continue ReadingKarbala University Discussing a Scientific Study entitled “Management of Organizational Conflict and its Relation with the Productive Character of School Principals from the Teachers’ Viewpoint”

Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled “Quranic Readings in the Book “The Arabization of the Quran and its Explanation”

The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Kerbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (Quranic Readings in the Book "The Arabization of the Qur'an and its Explanation by Mohiuddin Darwish").…

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Strategy for Human Resources Development and its Role in Building Smart Organization

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled "strategy for human resource development and its role in building smart organization".  It is an…

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