University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course entitled” the Effects of Nuclear Weapons on Environment”

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala had organized an in-person training course which is entitled " the effects of nuclear weapons on environment "/ Department of Physics Sciences, with…

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on Safety and Security in Laboratories and Medical Clinics

Faculty of Dentistry /University of Kerbala has organized a course which is entitled "Safety and Security in Laboratories and Medical Clinics". The course, presented by Prof. Dr. Abbas Jawad Al-Saadi,…

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course on War Media and International Protection

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala has organized a training course which is entitled (War Correspondent and International Protection) with the participation and presence of…

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University of Kerbala Holding a Scientific Symposium entitled “Combating Addiction and Drug Abuse”

Faculty of Medicine /University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on addiction and its impacts on individual and family , with participation of a number of professors, specialists, employees…

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