Two researchers from University of Kerbala Obtain a Patent for Manufacturing Nanoparticles

Two researchers from Faculty of Engineering /University of Kerbala obtain a patent from Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, to manufacture, use nanoparticles of (silica-magnesium oxide) and improve rheological…

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A research team from University of Kerbala Exploring Genetic Polymorphisms in Patients with Coronavirus

A research team - Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences / University of Karbala able is to discover genetic polymorphisms in patients with Coronavirus. The research team, which consists of Prof.…

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis entitled “The Representation of Vladimir Putin in CNN online news reports in pre and post Ukraine Invasion: a Critical Discourse Analysis”

The English Department at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled (The Representation of Vladimir Putin in CNN online news reports…

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A Study at University of Kerbala Discussing Evaluation and Improvement of Performance of Comprehensive Productive Maintenance Management

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed a PhD dissertation on evaluation and improvement of performance of comprehensive productive maintenance management in light of integration between…

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