An M.A. Thesis at Kerbala University Studying the Behaviour of sandwich concrete roofs made of lightweight local aggregates under the impact of shock loading.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis titled "The behavior of sandwich concrete roofs made of lightweight local aggregates under the impact of…

Continue ReadingAn M.A. Thesis at Kerbala University Studying the Behaviour of sandwich concrete roofs made of lightweight local aggregates under the impact of shock loading.

The University of Kerbala Discussing a Scientific research entitled “the support of the higher management of the regulatory authorities and its role in improving the quality of project implementation”

The Faculty of Administartion and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed a higher diploma in quality management entitled “Support of the higher management to the supervisory authorities and…

Continue ReadingThe University of Kerbala Discussing a Scientific research entitled “the support of the higher management of the regulatory authorities and its role in improving the quality of project implementation”

University of Kerbala discussing a research on the role of information systems in improving employee’s performance

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the higher diploma research, in quality management which is entitled "the role of information systems in improving…

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A scientific study at the University of Kerbala Discussing the Impact of a Generative Learning Strategy on Learning some Offensive Skills with foil for Junior team fencing Players

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held the M.A. thesis presented by the student Sajjad Ali Hussain which is entitled "The effect…

Continue ReadingA scientific study at the University of Kerbala Discussing the Impact of a Generative Learning Strategy on Learning some Offensive Skills with foil for Junior team fencing Players

University of Kerbala discussing an M.A. Thesis “Measuring Respiratory area and diameters of red muscle fibers and eggs in two types of local bony fish”

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (measuring respiratory area and diameters of red muscle fibers and eggs in…

Continue ReadingUniversity of Kerbala discussing an M.A. Thesis “Measuring Respiratory area and diameters of red muscle fibers and eggs in two types of local bony fish”

University of Kerbala discussing to build a probabilistic model to load traffic congestion in the holy Karbala governorate

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled"building a probabilistic model to load traffic congestion in the holy Karbala governorate". The…

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Publishing a Research in the Journal of the Faculty Basic Education / University of Babylon

The lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Rafid Naji Wadi, has published a scientific research in the Journal of the Faculty of Basic…

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A Teacher from the University of Kerbala Publishing a Cooperative Research with Russian Universities on the Preparation of Organic Compounds from Derivatives of Addiction

The lecturer at the Faculty of Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Rahman Tohma, and in cooperation with Prof. Botev from Volka Krad Russian and the Russian Technological University…

Continue ReadingA Teacher from the University of Kerbala Publishing a Cooperative Research with Russian Universities on the Preparation of Organic Compounds from Derivatives of Addiction